Best Practices in Workforce Devlopment
Creating a Superior Workforce Development Program
Best Practices in Workforce Development is a hands-on approach to creating or enhancing your workforce development/employment and training program.
If you are considering creating an employment and training program and need to know how to get started, this course is for you. And if you already have an employment and training program, whether you are just starting your program but would like to have better outcomes and a more significant impact on the community you serve, this course will guide you in a step-by-step process.
The course takes the stress out of managing programs by helping directors s and funders understand the basics of what is required to have successful outcomes. Once these principles are understood and put into practice, programs will begin to see increased results, which often comes with community and political leaders' recognition. This advantage alone is an excellent marketing opportunity that can attract funders wanting to partner with your organization. While every program's goal is to have successful outcomes, the greater goal is programs' sustainability. Grant opportunities become easier to achieve as you the attention of potential funders.
The course consists of four (4) sections:
1) History and need for Workforce Development Programs
2) Programmatic Structure
3)Strategic Approach
4) Direct and Contracted Service Approach
This course is easy to follow, comprised of videos, lectures, and graphs. It is applicable for any population group for employment and training services and is easily adaptable to any phase of your program. This course's information is yours to use as foundational for checks and balances in each area of service delivery.
Your Instructor
Carolyn Bledsoe is a workforce development consultant that specializes in assisting public and private entities develop, improve and advance their respective economic and workforce development programs. She guides organizations in best practices for their programs - providing consulting, training, grant writing assistance and operations and management assistance from beginning to end.
Carolyn has over 20 years experience in both workforce and economic development. Her strategic approach includes systems building by working with government, community groups, foundations and various educational and training organizations. Her strength is in operating as a subject matter expert (SME) by creating linkages for economic empowerment and problem solving for both employers and job seekers.
As the Operations Manager of King County Jobs Initiative, (KCJI) for over 15 years in Washington State, Carolyn was widely known for making the program one of the more successful workforce programs in the area. Its' success included having a job placement rates of 85% and job retention rates of 90% for remaining employed one year from the date of job placement. The program received the Governors’ Best Practice Award, recognition from local elected officials and a highlighted post in the U.S. EPA newsletter for excelling in their grant funded “Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Program”.
Upon leaving her position in King County, Carolyn began consulting in workforce development. She focuses on working with local government and other public and private entities to enhance their workforce programs.
As a former Environmental Protection Specialist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization and as the national program coordinator for EPA’s Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Program, I had the privilege of working with Carolyn Bledsoe through her management of the King County Jobs Initiative Job Training Program in Washington State.
Carolyn’s program was one of the initial ten EPA pilot grantees funded the first year when the program was created. Her knowledge of workforce strategies, coupled with her ability to secure and creatively leverage funding and outside resources, made the King County Jobs Initiative one of the most successful and top performing EPA-funded programs in the country.
Carolyn’s commitment to environmental justice and passion for assisting unemployed and severely under-employed, predominantly low-income and minority individuals, resulted in hundreds of individuals completing training and more than 90 percent of those individuals being placed in full-time employment with living wage salaries. Carolyn was always willing to speak at events and conferences across the country and her willingness to share best practices and help other communities will always be remembered.
I’m happy to support Carolyn in her course on “ Best Practices in Workforce Development”, as she is an effective professional, with a proven-track record, delivering capacity-building and technical assistance to a diverse array of communities.
Joseph Bruss
I have known Carolyn for over 25 years. I have often tapped her expertise on several projects I was involved with surrounding economic and workforce development.
Carolyn and I had the opportunity to provide a community presentation in Omaha through a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce. The presentation was highly rated and provided best practices for increasing grant funding and enhancing workforce development programs.
Carolyn truly is a Subject Matter Expert in workforce development and I would highly recommend this course for any organization looking to advance or begin their workforce development program.
Gleatha Glispie
Course Curriculum
Best Practices in Workforce Devlopment
Creating a Superior Workforce Development Program
Frequently Asked Questions
You have purchased the course that can never be taught in a college or university setting because these principles are only learned through direct experience.
This course is your blue print to success for any employment and training program you have or will create. Use it as a foundation for your organization and you will see the results you desire.
Thank you for purchasing this course and your committment to success.
Carolyn Bledsoe